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Kansainvälinen laulusuzukikomitea aloitti vuonna 2004

ISA Voice Committee Since 2004

ISA Comite desde 2004

The Suzuki Voice Program since 1986

El programa de Voz Suzuki desde 1986

Development from Childhood to Adulthood and Beyond.

The Suzuki Voice Program is approved by the ISA.

El programa de Voz Suzuki esta aprobado por ISA (Asociación Suzuki Internacional).

ISA Voice Committee Members 2024 are:

ISA Comite de Voz Suzuki:


Katrina Pezzimenti, the chair since April 17th, 2018


Analia Capponi-Savolainen


Mary Hofer

Dr Päivi Kukkamäki, Founder of the Suzuki Voice Program and author of Volume 1-3 has founded ISA Suzuki Voice Committee in 2004. Her doctoral thesis was published in Finnish 2003 as "Laulun myötä kasvuun - Laulusuzukimenetelmän kehittämisprojekti" 1986-2002. A second edition was published in 2016. This book was published in English July 16th, 2018 as "Growing Through Singing - The Suzuki Voice Program and Its Development" 1986-2002. A second edition in English is available in Google Drive link to all Suzuki Voice teachers. The Suzuki Voice Program officially began in 1986.  Its founding within the Suzuki community was the direct result of conversations between Dr. and Mrs. Suzuki (Japan) and Dr. Päivi Kukkamäki (Finland) before, during and after Dr. Kukkamäki's extended visit to Matsumoto in the Fall of 1986. Both Dr. and Mrs. Suzuki continued their approval of the program and its development from 1986 until their deaths in 1998 (Dr. Suzuki) and 2000 (Waltraud Suzuki). Dr Kukkamäki has been a chairperson of the ISA Suzuki Voice Committee 2004-2018 and a chairperson of ESA Suzuki Voice Committee until 2018.
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