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Home Recording & Translation Guidelines Special note:

The ISA Voice Committee is not authorized to ask for or give copyright permission to any Suzuki Voice Teacher for any purpose. Approval to use the name Suzuki in connection to Voice must be gained from the ISA Voice Committee before use.

Due to the decision by ISA and Alfred Publishing to publish an accompaniment-only CD for Volume 1 of the Suzuki Voice School, the following guidelines are expected:

Guidelines for Suzuki Voice Teachers and Trainees for Suzuki Voice Home Recordings Used for Teaching:

  1. Producing a recording of a Suzuki Voice volume is not allowed under copyright law. Making a single recording for a student in connection with teaching lessons is an exception, but it must not be sold.
  2. The individual who makes the home recording may do so only for student teaching purposes.
  3. No such recordings of Suzuki Voice volume repertoire may be sold under the copyright law.

Distribution of such recordings should adhere to the following protocols:

  1. The recording must be for student use only, and for use only within the individual teacher’s normal and unique teaching environment.
  2. The recording is not to be passed on to other students or teachers outside of that environment.
  3. The recording is not to be downloaded onto the internet or any other social media.
  4. The recording may be copied onto a student’s personal device for private use, but again, may not be reproduced or otherwise shared with others.
  5. Note to Teacher Trainers: In order to make home recordings for use in teaching their students, it is essential that a Trainee has memorized the repertoire and is performing it accurately, including the specific teaching points of the Suzuki Voice repertoire.

Guidelines regarding translations of the Suzuki Voice volumes for use in teaching:

  1. Translations occurring in the Suzuki Voice volumes are copyrighted and must not be downloaded to the internet, social media, or shared other than for teaching purposes.
  2. Note to Teacher Trainers: At this stage ISA has not accepted any languages other than English, Spanish and Finnish for Volumes 1, 2 and 3 repertoire which is published by Alfred.

Information regarding translations of the Suzuki Voice volumes in languages other than English, Finnish and Spanish:

  1. Approval of any/all translations applicable to any Suzuki Voice volumes published by Alfred must be gained from the ISA Voice Committee before use.
  2. Any/all translations not occurring in the Suzuki Voice volumes but prepared by the ISA Voice Committee for teaching use are also protected and must not be shared other than for teaching purposes.


Copyright Law shortly :

Copyright law protects the owner of an original work from the moment such a work has a physical presence - i.e. it is recorded and or in a material form.

This protection is automatic, no application for protection is required and no registration of the work is necessary - in most instances.
Computer programs, web pages, songs, films and TV programs, written material, sound recordings, artwork and photographs are examples of material protected by copyright law.

The legal owner of the work is normally the creator of the work.
There are exceptions - generally:
• If the work was created in an employment situation within the scope of the job description, in which case the employer owns the work;
• Where the work was commissioned such as the taking of photographs, painting of a portrait, making of a film or sound recording, work from freelance writers etc. and where the work forms part of a collaborative project.


Purpose of Copyright Law

Copyright law protects the intellectual effort invested in the creation of the work. It grants the owner the right to:
• benefit commercially from the work
• control the way the work is being used
• legal action in case of infringement of these rights

Teacher Trainer Responsibilities

When using copyrighted materials, seek proper permission and credit the source appropriately. See Music Library Association on Copyright Law in SAA Trainer Manual for further information.

In the Music Library Association on Copyright Law document-

page 3. No. 2  In 1992, Congress added a final paragraph to the end of Section 107: "The fact that a work is unpublished shall not in itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the factors set forth in paragraphs (1) and (4)."

This implies that 'unpublished' is treated the same as 'published' in regard to 'fair use' copyright law.
'unpublished' material is just as protected as 'published' material.

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