History of
'Talent Education Institute of Singing'

- Dr Päivi Kukkamäki and Ilari Kukkamäki founded the 'Talent Education Institute of Singing' - Model-Hangar Oy Music Department in Vantaa, Finland in 1986.
- An original logo made by Paula Mäenpää in 1986 (Dr. Kukkamäki's mother)
- The program was fully researched and developed by Päivi Kukkamäki at Sibelius University over the course of a 15-year research project with teaching techniques and materials developed from 1987 to 2003.
- All Suzuki Voice students were Dr. Kukkamäki's students from TEIS
- Her doctoral thesis was published 2003 as Laulun myötä kasvuun - Laulusuzukimenetelmän kehittämisprojekti.
- The World first Suzuki Voice students started at TEIS and at Vantaa Music Institute in 1986
- The World first Expectant mothers' Suzuki Voice Group started at TEIS in 1987.
- 'Suzuki Singing in Finland' - The Historical Suzuki Voice Recording (1986-1991) was recorded with Suzuki Voice Students at TEIS by Dr. Päivi Kukkamäki and AV center - the City of Vantaa in 1991. Video, later DVD was sent over 25 countries.
- 'Growing Through Singing - The Suzuki Voice Program and Its Development' was published in English in 2018.
- The First Suzuki Voice Teachers were trained at 'Talent Education Institute of Singing' (TEIS) since 1991.

1989 Japanissa, Matsumotossa laulusuzukioppilaat mukana ensimmäisen kerran.
Kuvassa 1,5-vuotias Christian tervehtii tohtori Shinichi Suzukia ja Waltraud Suzukia
konserttiesiintymisemme jälkeen