Suzuki Voice Students from Argentina and Finland in Turin 2006
Memories from Turin 2006
14th Suzuki Method World Convention was held April 12-17th 2006 in Turin Italy. It was great opportunity for Suzuki Voice students to sing together. We felt like a big Suzuki Voice Family. Suzuki singers came from Argentina, Australia, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Spain and Sweden. The teachers were Katrina Pezzimenti from Australia, Mette Heikkinen and Dr. Kukkamäki from Finland. Two Suzuki Voice teachers' exams were held in Turin. This was the convention schedule: Thursday April 13th: Teaching day, Mervi Sipola-Maliniemi (Finland) Level 3 recital, Group from Finland and Catalan present, lesson with the Harps, Concert "Hänsel und Gretel" with Stefano Tempia orchestra at Conservatory G. Verdi of Turin. Friday 14th: Teaching day, Group from Argentina and Australia present, Mervi Sipola-Maliniemi (Finland) Level 3 teaching examination, International "Songs for Sharing" Recital with the Harp group and pianist Marjaana Okkonen at Sant Filippo Church. Saturday April 15th: Teaching day, Margret Ponzi (Italy) Level 2 teaching examination and recital, Group from Iceland and Sweden present and Final Concert for Voice including Solo-songs. Sunday 16th: Children Concert. Monday 17th: Two Farewell Concerts.
Suzuki Voice Students in Italy 2006